Company Profile

Asia Biomaterials (Wuhan) Co., Ltd. is a core medical device enterprise in China Optics Valley Biocity, a listed "golden seed enterprise" in Hubei Province, and a "gazelle enterprise" in Wuhan City. It has 4 holding companies, three independent business divisions, and one overseas company. The base includes two national high-tech enterprises.

Asia Bio Group has world-class GMP 10,000-level production line facilities, a new product base building with a total area of more than 10,000 square meters, and a "High-end Biomaterials Equipment International Joint Laboratory" and two provincial and ministerial level R&D platforms - Hubei Provincial Bioactive Materials The Device Research Institute and the Hubei Provincial Engineering Research Center for Oral and Maxillofacial Medical Devices and Equipment are the largest calcium-phosphorus bioactive material production base in Asia and have established overseas cooperative R&D centers and bases in the United States, Australia and South Korea. The company has successively undertaken major national key projects such as the National Key R&D Program Project, the National “863” High-tech Development Program Project, the National Science and Technology Support Program Project, and the Ministry of Science and Technology Inter-Governmental International Cooperation Program Project, representing technological innovation and innovation in the field of high-end biomaterial equipment. National level of transformation. The company has the research and development and development of more than 10 kinds of biomaterial device products, including highly active bone repair material and device series (Eucosyn®, Jincos®, Recosyn®), Yafukang® wound repair material product series, oral repair material product series, etc. With high production capacity, it is a representative high-tech enterprise in the field of independent innovation of medical devices in my country.

The company has an international top-level R&D team. The core members have the background of studying and working in famous universities, research institutes and internationally renowned enterprises at home and abroad, including Fellows of the International Academy of Biomaterials Science and Engineering (FBSE) and chiefs of national key R&D programs. 1 scientist, 1 academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1 academician of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering, 1 "Young Top Talent" from the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, 1 candidate for the "Young Talent Promotion Project" of the China Association for Science and Technology, 3 "3551 Talents" from Wuhan name, as well as a group of high-level doctoral and master’s talents.

ABM Asia Biotech adheres to the concept of "international standards, excellent quality, and world brand" and takes it as its mission to continuously provide health products that satisfy people. It is becoming an important supporting force leading technological innovation and high-quality development in the industry.




亚洲生物集团CM 新产品基地大楼